
Fighting Ants is a Real Phoenix Real Pest Control Battle

Even this seasoned Phoenix pest control professional rc flying shark can learn new things ever now and then. I attended a small workshop on ants recently and I was amazed at the amount of change that occurs in such a short time.At this workshop, I learned that one particularly hard to control ant the Rove ant (brachymyrex), the Raspberry Crazy ant, and a couple other small ants that were not commonly known to be a major pest ant have steadily been on the rise. Of course, one of the attendees asked, “WHY”?The good Doctor Said, “some of our products are so good, that we have in affect really did a number on one species of ants”. Why is that important, another asked. Well, the Syma s107 upgrade doctor said, “that some species of ants are very territorial, and keep the rest out of the house” So in our efforts to perform Air Swimmers a great pest control service on ants, we have taken care of one ant and opened the door for another.Oh, I know . . . lots of questions. All over the room, hands are up, reminds me of Welcome Back Kotter, for those of you old enough to remember, OOH, OOH, Mr. Kotter, sorry – quick trip back in time.The problemThe great product that wiped out the first real troublesome ant, doesn’t work so good on the smaller ants.The smaller ants don’t really have a predator keeping them at bay any longer and now they are foraging in new places – like your kitchen sink and bathrooms.The smaller ants, aren’t just small – they are tiny, tiny, tiny, and hard to keep out.These ants while not new, were not common and were not invasion pests in the past, so they are not easily identifiable without specific training.The SolutionConsumers do not want to try and tackle ant control on their own. Sorry DIY’rs, but in most cases, when you tackle ant control you only make the problem worse. Pesticides can cause a process called, “BUDDING”. An easy way to understand is: Survival of the Fittest. The ants will survive – they will spread their eggs out and start numerous new colonies. Think about it, all your DIY’s, you know this is true. You went to the hardware store, bought a can of pest control stuff, the can said Syma s107 upgrade to use, 2 ounces per gallon of water, you said the hell with that and used the whole can! Lol I’m going to kill these little #$%^@#%&’s and you sprayed with a vengeance. Got em, right? 3 to 4 weeks later you notice that you have more ants than you have ever had before, right? Come on, you know it’s true!Well, That being said, these new species of ants are going to be the worst, and as a professional in the pest control industry for over 22 years, please let me advice you! Ants are very difficult to take care of, and if you try it yourself, your only going to make it worse. Call a professional like Invader Pest Management, we are always going to school to learn the latest greatest techniques, find out about the best products on the market, and training our employees to be the best Ant Control Experts in Phoenix Arizona.

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