
Web 30 – Here it Comes!

Web 3.0 – Here it Comes!The people at the pointy end of the internet pecking order are already talking about and planning Web 3.0 - Monetizing your social networking activity without 'selling’So what is Web 3.0 and what does it have to do with you…and me? To explain, let’s start back a few years…Web 1.0The beginning of the World Wide Web, which was really the internet for the masses, was all about links to pages. You would read a webpage and it would contain a link to another web page that you’d then click on and visit. In this way you could “surf the web” and end up in all sorts of strange places. Very quickly this became pretty confusing as the amount of pages increased. Then Google came along.Web 2.0A few years ago, social networking burst onto the scene. This evolution gave users the ability to connect to other users directly and edit the content of certain types of pages to create social networks. Today there are many types of social networking sites, ranging from Facebook and MySpace to Digg and Delicious. People now have the power to connect with each other, vote on any topic in a myriad of ways and exercise freedom of speech in any way they desire.Web 3.0There is a new economy emerging right before our eyes. Those that recognize it and harness it will profit greatly. Web 3.0 is about harnessing the internet and all its leverage to create “Viral” Social Profit Streams and tap into the massive mainstream market space that the current internet marketing arena has yet to figure out how to attract.It is a powerful new model for internet profit generation. No longer will you find yourself fishing in the same waters and fighting for the same prospects as other Internet marketers. Using Web 3.0, you will be fishing in a wide open BLUE OCEAN Iphone 4s Dust proof Plug of OPPORTUNITY!The people who have been planning Web 3.0 have very big ideas. It will be amazing. Technically, of course, it will be way beyond what Twitter led lights and most current social networking currently offers. You could be one of a select few insiders to learn about and take to market a concept designed to professionally open new untapped markets, expand current markets and implement secret strategies that will render competition Absolutely Irrelevant.Even though web2.0 tools such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and the like are quickly growing in popularity and EXTREMELY powerful, you are currently not able to effectively enter these markets and convert sales because the standard consumer outside of the Internet Marketing world doesn't "fall for" any of the tactics, hype or tools that are used everyday.The opportunity these HUGE new markets present to you, is ENORMOUSWhat's needed is a solution that is much deeper, innovative and more visionary than that. Welcome Web 3.0Knowing WHERE to look for new market participants is EASY...with hundreds of MILLIONS of people currently using FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace etc...There are plenty of new prospects available to every one of us each day and more being added to the mix DAILY.What's needed to capture and convert that market is an entirely new mindset or way of looking at marketing – both online and offline, combined with INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS that will actually ATTRACT and CONVERT the MASSES!!!Web 3.0 creates a SUSTAINABLE and LONG TERM Answer and only a few early adopters will find out how.Will you be one of them?web3pointoh.net

